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What is BookSearcher?

BookSearcher is a mobile application designed to simplify your book cataloging experience. Simply snap a photo of any bookshelf, and our advanced AI algorithm will identify and catalog the books for you. With user consent, the app can detect if you're in a store and log the location of the books for others to discover. Looking for a specific book at a bargain? Use our search feature to find the nearest charity shop offering your desired book at a fraction of the market price.

How does it work?

LOREM IPSUM.... BookSearcher uses advanced AI algorithms to identify books from a photo. The app uses the Google Books API to retrieve book information and store it in a database. The app also uses the Google Maps API to detect your location and find nearby charity shops. The app is available on both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

Contribute to the Project

BookSearcher relies on user contributions to improve its database and overall functionality on the app. Contributions are monitored by a points system, contribute more and gather more points to climb the leaderboard. If you notice any errors in the book information, please report it using the app. If you're a charity shop owner, you can register your store on the app to attract more customers. If you're a developer interested in working on the project, please contact me!